July 22, 2012

What Employers Really Want

Employers are looking for the type of people who have a perfect track record. 
Employers are looking for the type of people who have never commited a felony.
Employers want someone who has good references, and no unexplained gaps inbetween past jobs.
Employers want someone who will work the harder than the rest to make them money.
Employers want someone who is intelligent, but not more intelligent than they are. 
Employers want someone who has never been late to work before, ever. 
Employers want someone who shows very little signs of having their own beliefs, or personality.
Employers want someone who is going to make their business look good, no matter what. 
You know what employers really want? 

July 15, 2012

Uninstalling Reality

Are you sure you want to uninstall reality?

Would you like to archive your belief systems and memories?

Ok, your belief systems and memories will be saved in a Folder called "My Old Reality" on your desktop.

Please wait...

Uninstall complete! You may now reboot your brain.

July 2, 2012

Almost all the things I Hate

I am so sick of hearing ignorant Washingtonians dump all of their frustrations on either "the liberals" or "the conservatives". Sorry folks, its not as "red" and "blue" as the media would train you to believe. And the media has trained you well. How about getting rid of the ultra stupid failure called the war on drugs? This would also free up over half of those prisoners who are wasting our tax money for non-violent "crimes" when they could be working like the rest of us. I hate the fact that our police force is ticketing(stealing) for non-violent "infractions", and not entirely focused on catching the murderers, rapists, child molesters and white collar scum. All I want for Christmas is a HUGE tax on outdoor advertisements, Wal Marts, and Churches. All that tax money will be spent on libraries and parks, and removing fluoride from our water supply.

I'm sick of this cheap ass world of lies, false-promises, taxation, and shame-attacks, budget crises, and automated sympathy. I hate safety measures, I hate safety precautions. I can't stand the legal system.

I hate the rigged elections. I'm sick of ignorant citizens telling me that if I don't vote I'm not allowed to complain. I am sick of newspapers that claim to be unbiased, but are just another way for evil elites to control the flow of information and make it look like they are in control.

I'm sick of looking at retarded advertisements that glorify stupidity. I hate the people who feel that this is necessary. I hate capitalism, and I hate the media's puppet show. I hate people who say "don't get mad at me, I'm just doing my job."

I hate people who say "I'm sorry, but I can't make a statement about that because I can't give out legal advice." I hate legal advice. I hate the concept of "restrooms are for paying customers" but I also sympathize with the business owners. I hate money. I hate inflation. I hate the New York Stock Exchange. I hate their imaginary world of numbers. I hate free trade. I hate global warming. I don't care if it gets hot, stop playing around with the ionosphere.

I hate republicans, democrats, and I especially hate not having a real 3rd choice. I hate people who have to tell me how bad ass they are, when they should just let me decide that myself. I hate people who force me to be a part of their emergency or crisis when I was just hit up about 20 minutes earlier. I hate fossil fuels. I hate people who hog all of the cool toys. I hate hypocrites like the FCC, who think they need to regulate the electromagnetic frequency spectrum.

I hate the fact that you can go to college, and leave still being a dipshit. I hate people who would rather see my degree than actually find out if I am a piece of shit or not. I hate having to call your bluff to avoid getting ripped off. I hate people who ask the same question over and over for no reason. I hate favoritism. I hate people who refuse to change, just for refusal to change's sake. I hate cliques, memberships, and orginizations.

I hate tow truck companies for thinking they NEED to exist and that their job is necessary and legitimate. I hate being told that so and so is not available to comment about something, because they're too chickenshit. I hate road construction. I hate traffic, and people who still think cars are the best way to get around. I hate people who make documentaries and don't get both sides of the story. I hate people who make documentaries about global warming in a helicopter. I hate reserved parking spaces, I hate shopping carts, I hate being forced to pay money with no service provided. I hate auctions, I hate repossessions, I hate people who snatch up all of the good stuff.

I hate people who buy expensive vintage guitars and hang them on their walls. I hate people who take advantage of anything more than once in a day. I hate people who push, shove and block my way. I hate people who have no idea what is going on around them. I hate having to use the other door past 6pm. I hate your companies policies, and procedures.

I hate banks, bank accounts, and loans. I hate it when I am charged an overdraft fee when I was promised I would have a debit card that could not go in the negative. I hate the fed. I hate interest rates. I hate deposits, and inspections. I hate snow. I hate being in the snow. I hate paying to get in.

I hate our founding forefathers for not planning ahead. I hate your entitlement to wealth, I hate your inheritance, I hate your trust fund, and your time share. I hate your overstaying your welcome. I hate people who force me to be mean, just to keep things fair. I hate your biography, no one gives a shit why you are successful. I hate money. I hate alcohol, I hate automobiles, I hate immigration. I hate illegal aliens who won't work to fix the problems in their own countries, and instead would rather come to my country and whine about it, leech from the system I pay taxes into, and not even learn ENGLISH. For example if I showed up in China, I would learn Chinese and not just separate myself in my own American district.

I hate college professors who blindly accept orders on curriculum content. I hate people who say "that's just the way it is". I hate cheaters, I hate people who are born into wealth and choose to remain greedy. I hate fashion, I hate superstars, I hate the state of California, and how special they think they are. I hate the state of Washington, and how rude they all are. I hate people who can't think for themselves. I hate corporate sponsored bullying, lobbying, earmarks and special interest groups. I hate proprietary information, I hate fliers, fact sheets, orientation manuals, telemarketers, outsourcing, layoffs, and the cowards who hide in the shadows. I hate the war on terror, I hate the war on drugs (as well as the interpretation of what a drug is).

I hate clear channel for thinking its ok to ruin the view of nature with their idiotic billboards (ITS NOT OK),

I hate bars, casinos, nightclubs, strip clubs, and all of the scumbags who pay for sexual pleasure. I hate snitches, I hate being entertained without being asked, I hate jealousy. I hate boredom. I hate not having anyone to trust but myself. I hate community driven censorship, I hate people that are afraid of the unknown, or anyone who is afraid to risk their security. I hate gangsters, I hate bartenders, I hate airports, I hate the entire concept of security precautions. I hate the entire concept of fractional reserve banking, I hate waiting for stupid people, I hate being forced to be happy about anything. I hate waiting in line and seeing 4 other empty booths that could have an employee.

I hate group stalking and organized harassment. You will never convince me that I am crazy. Please give up.

I hate greedy business owners who announce that "they need to cut back on this or that" and yet take a pay-raise the next day. I hate robotic customer service call machines. You cheap corporate slobs. Your retarded voice menu options don't give me all the options I need and you know that already, you jerks. I hate being told to choose one of the following options. I dislike the fact that people have been brainwashed and are active contributors to their own extinction. I hate people for thinking they can own land.

I hate the entire concept of real-estate. I hate people who mow their lawns like a baseball field. I hate people who choose the easy way out. I hate being talked to without a pause of at least 3 seconds every 30 seconds. I hate people who rip me off. I hate the entire concept of gold, silver, and platinum memberships and/or packages. I hate the entire concept of precious metals, and the trillions of lives slaughtered as a result of their supposed value.

I hate being redirected to someones shitty scam web page. I hate parking lots, crosswalks, red-lights, and weaving traffic. I hate having sticky hands, I hate it when people knowingly try to get free work out of me. I hate being treated unfairly, I hate being given more credit than I deserve. I hate women who use their bodies to get what they want. I hate knowing that I will give it to them. I hate people who use physical violence to get what they want, I hate people who are afraid to get dirty. I hate people who use sympathy to get what they want. I hate people who try harder than they have to, and likewise I hate people who don't try hard enough.

I hate deadlines, mandatory minimum sentences, and parking meters. I hate people who leave early, I hate rush hour traffic, I hate having to compete with everyone for a job. I hate the concept of "global economies", and "global threats". I hate people who contribute to charities, when they could do something creative with their money on a local level. I hate Wal Mart and the Waltons. You guys got enough money yet? Of course you don't. I hate outsourcing, I hate the theory of evolution, I hate the theory of creation, I hate the theory of the big-bang. I hate pieces of shit who make me have to buy something that should have been made free years and years ago, but they are too greedy to let go of their "easy money".

I hate anything that doesn't get right down to the core facts of what constitutes its overall worth. I hate filler. I hate introductory paragraphs, I hate the self-righteous MLA. I hate the IRS and can't wait until they are removed from the picture. I hate God, I hate Satan (the holy spirit is cool though). I hate the word "packages". I hate watered down coffee.

I hate citizens who try to get browny points by ratting out their neighbors. I hate interventions, people who "need to have a talk with me" about something that wasn't officially a "problem" with me in the first place. I hate oldies but goodies. I hate every Clear Channel radio station on the dial. I hate the entire concept of inflation and the privately owned Federal Reserve. I hate anything to do with any kind of PRIDE. I hate people who think their shit doesn't stink. I hate people who try to save me from myself. I hate people who litter(even though I do it).

I hate fear in general. I hate people who reinforce the ideas that they despise. I hate people who cheat. I hate hunting licenses, fishing licenses, business licenses, and driving licenses. I hate panhandling licenses, pet licenses, and licenses to practice medicine. I HATE the concept of LICENSING. I hate people who fuck me over and then try to make me think it was my fault. I hate liars. I hate smog, I hate speculation about how much money could be made by exploiting an otherwise undisturbed piece of land.

I hate hearing people tell stories about things that have already happened and did not involve me or anyone I know and being expected to have the same enthusiasm as they did when they were there. I hate people who hog the spotlight, when they know that it is someone else's turn. I hate people who cheat, lie and steal their way to "the top". I hate people who think that what they have done is "good enough". I hate the hours between 4pm to 6pm or so. I hate it when cops ask me if "they can help me". I hate people who cut me off and then slam on the brakes.

I hate freeways, I hate exit ramps. I hate cops hiding underneath freeway overpasses. I hate getting in trouble for doing something that did not hurt anyone else. I hate prevention measures. I hate safety precautions, I hate backtracking, or doing things wrong more than 3 times in a row. I hate delays, rescheduling, and people who expect me to provide all of the enthusiasm and energy to the task at hand. I hate people who don't challenge themselves or their peers.

I hate businesses that make signs that say "everything must go." It's not my fault your business sucked balls, you should have waited until someone actually wanted to buy your crap. I hate people who secretly hate me and are too chickenshit to tell me. I hate passive aggressive assholes who resent me in silence. I hate cleaning up after people. I hate public restrooms. I hate bums that don't at least try to be nice. I hate your unfair advantage, and your refusal to give it up.

I hate your use of force to ensure that you retain your stupid unfair advantage because you are a chickenshit and are afraid to lose and be on the same level as other people. I hate automobiles that run on fossil fuels, and I hate car-dealerships waste of space and their stupid balloons yeah like I am so excited to make you and your company rich. You suck, I don't think so. I hate old ladies who don't even care if I open the door for them. I hate elevator waiting time. I hate anything being out of order when I really need it. I hate watching you type my information into your dumb computer terminal.

I hate being told that I need 2 pieces of photo id, when I don't and couldn't possibly get them. I hate your free samples, I hate your bribes, and your false advertisements. I HATE YOUR FINE PRINT. I hate your commercials. I hate your computer generated proof that your stupid product is so amazing. It most likely isn't.
